Sunday, July 20, 2008


As the title would indicate, I just came from watching this very beautiful animated story. Not only does it meet the standard of Nemo and The Incredibles, you even come away with some very strong modern day messages.

Wall-E ( I am not telling you what it stands for and spoil your fun) is a wide eyed, rust buckety and curious robot. The eyes kept reminding me of the famous E.T. Anyways, he here is in a desolate wasteland, chugging away at a designated task that holds no meaning and beginning to develop a quirky personality and utter loneliness, with only a insect for company.

Enter the love interest - beautiful, streamlined, advanced - EVA. And Wall-E falls for her with all his bolts and nuts! But its not that simple. In EVA's mission lies the history of Wall-E's existence and the future of mankind. A little sapling of life then takes these two in an incredible journey, where they fall in love and save the earth!

Sounds like a simple Hollywood flick? NO Sir! Running in the backdrop of this sweet and mostly funny story is the theme of modern day consumerism, carbon foot prints, depleting resources, and all other environmental issues that concern us today.

So do go and see this story. If you are a kid at heart, you will enjoy the well made animation. If you are the environmentally conscious kind, you will come away marveling at how the messages have been delivered couched in a simple children's animation. As everybody ends up saying in the movie, "WAAAAALLLLL-EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I need my scratch post

Almost a month of being cooped up in this little town is driving me out of my mind! I am craving like a junkie for a break (no actual experience of that though), or a scratch post! If any of you wondered the significance of my alias, where here it is - I am a definitely a feline creature, literally. The thought of getting my claws into a nice wood bean is right now very appealing. Its either that or a human substitute. But I think that may border on homicide. These are the days I wish I was cat, to be able to actually scratch some unsuspecting tree to ribbons, or curl up on afternoon sun and laze.

I am not very good at being cooped up - both figuratively and literally. The moment I feel some stagnancy creeping into my life, the whole need for scratch post materializes. I feel the urge to do something, push forward, change something....just do something. The feeling is so strong that the more saner urge to temper it only results in restless energy by the oodles. Like they say, something gotta give soon. Oh dear me, my claws are itching (snick! snick!)


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

For the love of the written word..

I was having a discussion recently about whether book readers are dwindling in number. Without any proper statistics to back any argument, all I could put forward was the almost all of my friends are voracious readers. Of course, that earned me the "your friends are as freaky as you" look.

Nevertheless it got me thinking. I was a book worm since I could read. And most of my friends also started early. Now though, I rarely come across any youngster interested in a book. Does that mean the the next generation will not be readers? Or can people pick up the love of reading at any age?

Being a reader has done me lot of good in life. Not so much to do with enlightening me but to give me a better alternative to perhaps television or video games? Oh wait, we didn't have cable television when I was growing up! Coming back to topic, books can often take your mind of the stressful life and for a few hours take you through an entirely different world. I think books stay with you more then movies. I can be biased though.

I wonder if it will do good if we start shoving a comics in a kids hand rather the TV remote? I rather see someone buried nose deep in paper then the idiot box or Nintendo. But the it's just me. In the meantime, I hope books continue to exist and be written until I cease to exist. That way I can read till I die!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Birds I View!

While sorting through my huge collection of photographs this weekend I realized I have been a little partial to my feathered friends and have a sizeable collection of pictures that can be titled BIRDS! Well, being the generous soul that I am, I thought I share. Also, as my muse seems to be vacationing somewhere warm, this is a space filler for you all readers!