Dear me, its been such a long time since I wrote anything useful. Been a little lazy, if you know what I mean. Currently, I am feeling very very blue and adding to it by listening to Kenny Rogers croone about "Lucille". I am like that person who wrote the song that goes like "Hey won't you play, a somebody done somebody worng song, to make me feel at home cause I miss my baby (yes Rogers sang that too). I guess a better option would be to listen to peppy songs to pep-you-up. But the moody mood disagrees.
Songs have always been my soul food, good or bad times. Music soothes me, fires me up, makes me bawl (forget I said that!). I remeber my days in th hostel where i kept borrowing my roomamte and best friends walkman to listen to some music. I kept replacing her batteries as i kept using them up. Later on I even got my self a small radio that lasted about a few motnhs and konked. But the little bit did provide me with some good music. I remember working late nights with the radio on and music playing no-stop as RJ's go to sleep so late :-). Hmmmmm...any thoughts?
1 comment:
Yes yes plenty! Life without music ain't no life at all! At least not my kind of life. There was a time when I used to be completely dysfunctional without music. Thanks to work and all that.... have learned to breathe without music. But thanks to technology now you have the internet so you have plenty of music to keep your sanity while you drum away on the key board. The blues, the jazz, the moods all can be taken care off with my favourite song on youtube.Keep it going baby and dance away while you work...
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