The story is told often in the lilting Spanish which itself lends a unique cadence to the story's own mythical quality. A long long time ago lived a Princess, the Daughter of the king of the woods...............who had dared to come into the world and had been lost in all humanity. But the story goes that the father always waited for his daughters soul to come back into the underworld kingdom.
Flash forward to 1944, Spain. Fascist troupes are crushing the rebels hiding in the mountains. In this scene enters the Fascist Captains heavily pregnant wife and her older daughter from a previous marriage Ofelia. Not yet a teenager, Ofelia still believes in fairies and soon finds her way into the old Labyrinth in the forest where she meets a faun or pan, a pagan god of the woods.
And she is drawn into the story of the young princess and escapes into the forest to the perform tasks given to her by the mysterious faun to prove her worthiness as the princess, as she also escapes the fascist captains dark realm where cruelty and fear abounds.
But both the world come crashing down on her when fantasy becomes terrible as well. Ofelia is left on her own to face both worlds, and both her and the rebels take a last stand against the Captain...to a stunning end. A must watch!
1 comment:
spanish people are just fascinated by magic, realism and magical realism..
reminds me much of Gabriel Garcia Marquez (I couldn't understand even a bit of 100 years of solitude.. i got an inkling that it refers to specific historical events in spain ans south america.. but then.. sigh...)
This was better though. At least the magic and realism were distinct.. and not all a confused mass of Garcia's magical realism..
If I had been on the nobel committee, garcia wouldn't have got the nobel prize.. i never saw the point in writing something so cryptic that 99% of the people who read it don't understand it. defeats the entire purpose of writing.. as far as i am concerned, if Gabriel wanted to write something so incomprehensible, then he should have taken a canvas and a brush and painted a series of unintelligible cubisms..
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