Friday, August 01, 2008


Lost I feel
In my own desires
A need to move on
Unable to run

Wrapped I am
In Chains of my own
When one breaks
Another one grows

Like Slip Knots
Are these desires
I dare not unravel
For they hold me together

I drown on dry land
A quagmire of my own
Gravity pulls down
while dreams fly off

The ticking of the clock
Fuels my impatience
I need to move
But I have strong roots

More time, more time
I howl to the moon
The orb stays silent
And desolation abounds

The landscape of my heart
Empty yet full
Too much to sort through
No space to place anew

But time still flows
Thicker everyday
Washing away
The remains of the day

And I brood over a pile
Of uncensored thoughts
Sorting through my desires
Discarding them all


illusions said...

Wow lady...very deep...some I got some I did not.

Srobona RC said...

Ah..well I can sit you down and explain it to you but then I think you might catch the mood as well :-)

Abha said...

Great work! it tells the story of each one of us I think.

can't say more. you have said it all.
