Monday, August 13, 2007

Being a Miss or Mrs....

My fellow blogger Illusions recently wrote something on women's right, at I am adding my two bits here. Read hers to follow my comments.

I think one way we can change the way things are run is if we stop treating the boy child differently at home. Stop coddling them and making them feel that they are entitled to everything. I see it so often that it sickens me. Kids pick up things very early in life and if this is what they we really expect them to grow up and not be "Chauvinistic" in their outlook?

I remember fighting with my dad to get the money for studying journalism in Chennai. He was totally against and i was butting head against a wall. Until a relative told him he was right not to invest so much in girl, after all I will be married off. Next thing I know my father storms into the house muttering "bad investment!!!! my foot" and tells me to pack. I wish more people take offense to such comments.

And men could start acting like man and be less afraid of woman taking over the world from them. Sometimes I feel like telling them, "Its okay, I wont take your toy, can I come and play NOW!!..comments plz

1 comment:

illusions said...

Yes I am sure being a man must be much of performance pressure...and women well they just have to do better than their brothers at school, work harder than their mothers at home and deliver faster than the male colleagues at work just to do what...stay there! the hypocrisy of the system in India as well as the west is the most annoying, and that too after all these years of feminist movement all over the world. I am sure we will see a resurgence of the same shortly if things keep on being what they are currently. Lets face it needs a strong man to appreciate a strong woman, sadly the former is almost an extinct variety.