When was the last time you actually lived?
Sounds like an odd question? But mull over and honestly answer, when was the last time you actually enjoyed the act of living, was overjoyed that you are alive and felt alive? I have dared pop this question from time to time on unsuspecting strangers. Along with the customary eye roll and the “she is nuts” looks, I also received a few honest answers.
“I sat on a swing”, one person told me, a goofy smile on her place. “I took my nephews to the park and they left me alone to play. The grass was wet and I sat down on the swing. I don’t know what happened but sometime later I was flying through the air, shrieking, my hair flapping around blocking my view. When I finally stopped swinging I noticed a whole bunch of people staring at me and my nephews looking very mortified. They never went to the park with me again. I often go by myself nowadays. The people got used to the shrieking by the way”.
I can identify. I have been the shrieking loony in the park often. I see a swing and I loose all my sanity. Nothing beats flying on a swing, wind through the air, the world fleeting through the up and down motion of the swing. All I can think at times like this is "Maaaaaaaan, its good to be alive!!"
Honestly? Not in a long time. I usually need to get out of the city to feel alive, can't use the swing as I get a severe case of nausea. But it has been ages since I went out of town and walked and tramped about gladly. As things are at present don't foresee an opportunity before November...till then I wait to exhale...
Whenever I am out hunting, or bicycling or playing with the dogs .. lucky me. A few weeks back there were the meteor showers and me and the girls lay on the driveway in pitch darkness watching the meteors. The next night Dee joined us and we fell asleep under the stars. woke up much later due to the cold and hard ground below us and huddled in to the house, cold but "alive". The kids liked it so much that they have been begging to do it again, (just sleep outside) but weather has not been kind, and there seem to be a pack of coyotes that are frequenting the area ...
A month back we went to the river with the dogs and the kids and splashed in the water for hours and swam with the dogs and got thoroughly wet and dirty. The kids, the dogs and I rode back home in the back of the truck. Dee had thoughtfully taken a large towel to drape over the driver's seat to keep it getting dirty, and was a good sport about taking on the driving duties. the trick is to go with the "life flashes by your eyes" philosophy and you can't go wrong. take some time to play in the rain. it is fun.
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