Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Road

Here I stand on a strange shore
Looking at the unknown beyond
Afraid to reach out
Too proud to turn back to the familar grounds

How, how do you know where to go,
When no one's holding a light for you
Groping in the dark, hoping you're on the right path
No one to point the way

The choices I made, the roads I walked
Are the only witness to my troubled past
They saw my tears, my fears, my joy
Keeping me company in my solitary quest

And now again, it's another shore
Another choice, another road.
But time has passed, and I am bold
Not afraid to reach out to the strange beyond

Now come what may, I know today
It was not "where" that mattered
It was the roads that were there
My guides, my friends, my companions in the dark