Friday, August 10, 2007

Life has a humor

Life has a humor
I often think
Only we are the joke
Life is laughing

What we want
And what we get
It seldom seems
To have an object

For the want of a laugh
We make some cry
For the want of life
We let some die

Choices we make
Lines in the sand
Life comes in waves
All is wiped away

Laughter we say
Often takes the hurt away
Wonder if it so
Why life laughs too


illusions said...

Life is like the tumbling waves of the waterfalls, takes you floating on to the plunge pool all rotating to a kaleidescope of experiences. colors so bright and often pure dazzling in their brightness and humour shines on like the darkest vibgyor.

Kasturi said...

ur life is what u want it to be, that's my take. just dont try to control it too much. let it flow while the thread stays with u and it will show u all its shades -- dive into them and enjoy them!!! they have never-ending possibilities. pick urs.

Unknown said...

Life is like a bowl full of sugar. To reach the bottom of the bowl, you have to dig your finger harder. But as you dig, the sugar spills out. So when you actually touch the bottom, you have lot of sugar left but you definitely have lost some or more of it depending on how hard you have pushed.