Saturday, February 18, 2006

Life of a Reporter-A very short story

RCK, reporter sat on his chair morosely looking at the press notes in front of him..."This is my life" he thought. A life time of serving a very self-contained unprofessional organisation had left him no illusions of glory. "Twenty years....twenty years I have spent here...and what have a gained...a head full of grey hair?" He mused again.This has become a routine with him. Looking back, mulling over the "road not taken". He should have left when he had the urge to and not looked back.

But life had its own agenda...marriage...children...RESPONSIBILITY...That seem to explain the grey hairs. So what now? SO WHAT NOW????? His mind seem to be screaming at him. He looked out of the was late night ..weekend was coming up. "It’s a lovely night" he thought and suddenly everything was a flash of lightening. He was whistling when he left the office that night, the security guard remembered. That was last any body heard of RCK, Reporter.

1 comment:

Nandhu said...


Keep the flames burning. you will get ur groove back soon. not to worry. my own diary blog looks just like this. but i am not showing it to people i know :) it's too pathetic. hehe. u are actually doing much much better. cheers.

take care,