Saturday, June 09, 2007

Whatever whatever

True to the blog style, I am venting here people. I am having THE writers block and the bloody blinking eyes are not helping. Dry eyes my foot - which are fine by the way. At least one end is working.

Spent the last few days trying to write a blog. trying to pretend to work so that the boss doesn't suspect the lack of it. And trying not to sink in a funk. Atleast the weather has been good. 'Illusions' lament of warm fuzzy weather gave me a positive feeling here at least. When the rains hit last week, there was wild uproar in the office premises. I am sure people would have kissed the wet ground if it was cleaner. Hum hum.....anyways this is just to keep the blog alive. I will kill for some filter coffee right - the only reason I forgave Chennai for being Chennai, when i stayed there.

1 comment:

illusions said...

Writer's block? Nah! That can't be the case, it must be the summer lull.