Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She could take it back

She will take it back someday........

For all the Pink Floyd fan's, these lines will probably jar the memory as being the refrain for their song "Take it Back' from Division Bell. For all those who are not familiar, the video of the song shows Nature striking back for all that we are put her through.

While this theme isn't new, it had never seem so realistic before. With rising concern over global warming, changing weather patterns, alarmingly receding glaciers and an increase in devastating natural disasters - the threat of Nature taking it all back seems to be more a reality then the theme of a song.

We used to read in the school about the possible results of ice caps melting. Today I wonder of there will much of the ice cap left to read about in the text books in future. Here is some before and after looks at the known glaciers. Well, I am off to build the Ark folks!


illusions said...

Well in case I live to see the day (considering the speed at which the ice caps are melting I probably would)please reserve couple seats for me and Sanju.

Srobona RC said...

oh definitely....two seats on my luxury cruiser will cost you 12 bananas, 12 oranges and a few apples and coconuts can get you upgraded to first class accommodations. You are free to bring your pet along, but no complaining if the lions eat it. As there will be shortage of space, we would like our travelers to "swalpa adjust maadi'..the giraffe's need more space and the we can't bathe the hyaena's carry natural herbal room fresheners please...further instructions will be given onboard.

illusions said...


Abha said...

very nice song and an equally nice video. never heard it before. but equally scary too. Gosh! what are we doing to our own space of survival!! great message meeaaaooww!! atleast gives you a reason to stop and think for a while.

illusions said...

Yeah I know terribly bleak and scary future it seems, but loving the music...thank god it is FRIDAY!!!I need a Marguerita right here right now!