So what is the causing this freaky weather? Its called global warming. In our solar system, Earth is the only planet that is currently livable because it has an atmosphere with enough oxygen, water, heat etc to make the surface suitable for us humans. Now this atmosphere

I happen to watch a documentary this weekend -An Inconvenient Truth. Directed by Davis Guggenheim the documentary showcases the Climate change presentation that US Senator Al Gore has been making for quite sometime now. He has been campaigning quite long to get the US congress take initiative to take steps to stop the global warming phenomenon with little effect so far. Whatever be his political motives, the presentation IS quite an effective eye opener.
Except for the data on the actual rate of increase in CO2 emissions in our atmosphere and the resulting hike in temperatures, most of the results mentioned were familiar to me, as I am a rather avid watcher of Discovery and other such scientific programs etc. However, many facts seem to shock my fellow watchers, making me aware of how unaware most people are about the extent of the damage so far.
There was one animated segment in the documentary which shows how we react to situations. A frog is tossed into a beaker of hot water - it jumps right out with alacrity. The same frog is put into a beaker of cold water and heat is turned on. Now as the water gradually turns hot, the frog continues to sit there looking a little perplexed and confused but not reacting with the same alacrity as before because the effect is rather gradual. While the audience laughs, we are also hard pressed to admit how true the depiction is. We are apparently not moved by the melting and vanishing glaciers, the ever increasing storms and heat waves and droughts. After all unless climate change causes to set your seat on fire, its hardly any reason to react.
The sad truth that the program reflects is that we have already messed with the ecological balance quite too far to completely restore it back anytime soon. However, rather than despair, the documentary carries the message that - THIS IS THE LAST CHANCE, ITS NOW OR NEVER!
Now, most often people are asking what can we do about it? Isn't it the duty and responsibility of the Government and big organizations to cope with this? How did we contribute to this ourselves - its the effect of big industries! Here is a gem I picked from the net - Climate change has been happening since time began, we should not have to blame civilization now just because. Denial!
Well there are things you can do personally
- Start with using less appliances like Refrigerator and Air- conditioning - when not needed switch it off.
- Plant more leafy trees around - they absorb a lot of these gases thus reducing the level in the atmosphere.
- Use energy efficient bulbs to reduce the pressure of the energy resource
- Use less water, again to conserve the resource.
- Keep your car emission low by taking it for periodic servicing etc
- Carpool to reduce the overall use of fuel and emission into the system
- If there is a municipal garbage recycle system, take time to throw the garbage in the bin rather in the nearest vacant plot.
On a more large scale, we as voters do have the right to push for laws that make emission check mandatory. We have the right and should take the time out to push against the destruction of forests and natural resources for Malls and Supermarkets - people in Goa stood up for their land, why can't the rest of us do the same. We can and should demand that our elected leaders put a better garbage disposal measure in place, introduce recycling etc. These are better reasons to call for a bandh or dharna anyday than the useless political ones that we come across always. Lets wake up and shake up people, or else will end up floating around in some space ship waiting for WALL-E to clear the mess.
Hope there are people in this world who will become aware of the dire consequences this generation or the next might face if they don't change their ways of living. Life's beautiful and admirable when nature supports you. So please do your bit and support nature and improve the situation.
Global Warming is like Diabetes. You can postpone it but cant avoid it or cant erradicate it. So if you want your generation not to witness this holocaust, then take measures to avoid being part of it. Try spreading the awareness using emails/blogs or other means of communication. Take some time out and forward such information to people who are not literate enough. Do your bit to make this world a wonderful place to live.
I am trying to do my bit. Started Gardening. Started using energy efficient bulbs. Swtiching off appliances on standby. Started using cycle instead of a car. Tryin to quit some bad habits too. ;-)
Hear! Hear! Qudos to the green warriors, sadly we all hear what is said but seldom listen. Here in Delhi where water is precious you will be surprised to see how this resource is wasted. IF we don't sit up and take action now I am sure there won't be a future to look forward to. Stay green people.
good post. very clearly written. after all, this is your job, right? to write clearly...
but am not convinced about what everyone can do personally. in chennai's hot climate for instance, one doesnt feel quite like turning the shower two minutes early. rather one wants to stand under it all day. i often feel as individuals we can do very little unless the govt as a matter of policy did something. and world over, governments do very little starting with the US.
Yeah, I was listening to Obama give this big speech in Prague where he inserted that bit that US will now take steps towards saving the earth. I will take that with a pinch of salt please. In the meantime, improving our habits can't hurt now can they? Seriously though China and US are the biggest polluters, and I see no move on their part.
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