Friday, April 13, 2007

The Luck Of Friendship

For all that is sacred in the world, friendship often comes in shapes and sizes that don’t fit your vision, but stay on to endure. In plain English, friends are often the most unlikely person you have met and somehow managed to stay friends with for eternity. Its luck, I say or destiny if you prefer. Because while you can choose the person to befriend, best friends are made in heaven.

I have a few. I can count them on my little finger. But I will give my finger for any of them (Will get back to you on other body parts!). At a glance you will probably wonder how on earth such mismatched people can be friends. Well I guess one thing all my friends share is brutal honesty and strong principles. While this might make most of them unpopular in general gatherings; for me it has been the cause to trust and believe. And then of course most of my friends actually UNDERSTAND each other!

We don’t always agree. But, we rarely argue about our convictions. It seems, between us friends we have come to respect each others opinions without actually sacrificing our own. Sounds serious? Well, actually it saves time from having pointless arguments with each other (brutally honest remember?)

I blame luck for my friendships because I don’t think I would have met these people by choice. A change in tuition group, a sudden inspiration to take up a course, resigning myself to work for a small company – each of these decisions have earned me a good solid friendship, if nothing else. And my best friend? Well I was forced to live with her for a year and came away liking her even better. So we stuck.

While many of you out there have the same story, I reaffirm that we are the lucky lot. Because even though we can choose friends, we can’t always find those best ones without a little luck!


Kasturi said...

Stuck! u asked for it dear! blame ur lucky stars for that!

illusions said...

Could not be more correct. I love the simple style with profound messages with or without the intent that is! He he!